Sparse Grokking

Jeff Hawkins of Palm fame shows up in the New York Times hawking his Grok for Big Data predictions. Interestingly, if one drills down into the details of Grok, we see once again that randomized sparse representations are the core of the system. That is, if we assign symbols random representational vectors that are sparse, we can sum the vectors for co-occurring symbols and, following J.R. Firth’s pithy “words shall be known by the company that they keep” start to develop a theory of meaning that would not offend Wittgenstein.

Is there anything new to Hawkins’ effort? For certain types of time-series prediction, the approach parallels artificial neural network designs, replacing the complexity of shifting, multi-epoch training regimens that, in effect, build the high-dimensional distances between co-occurring events by gradually moving time-correlated data together and uncorrelated data apart with an end-run around all the computational complexity. But then there is Random Indexing, which I’ve previously discussed, here. If one restricts Random Indexing to operating on temporal patterns, or on spatial patterns, then the results start to look like Numenta’s offering.

While there is a bit of opportunism in Hawkins latching onto Big Data to promote an application of methods he has been working on for years, there are very real opportunities for trying to mine leading indicators to help with everything from ecommerce to research and development. Many flowers will bloom, grok, die, and be reborn.… Read the rest

Pressing Snobs into Hell

Paul Vitanyi has been a deep advocate for Kolmogorov complexity for many years. His book with Ming Li, An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications, remains on my book shelf (and was a bit of an investment in grad school).

I came across a rather interesting paper by Vitanyi with Rudi Cilibrasi called “Clustering by Compression” that illustrates perhaps more easily and clearly than almost any other recent work the tight connections between meaning, repetition, and informational structure. Rather than describing the paper, however, I wanted to conduct an experiment that demonstrates their results. To do this, I asked the question: are the writings of Dante more similar to other writings of Dante than to Thackeray? And is the same true of Thackeray relative to Dante?

Now, we could pursue these questions at many different levels. We might ask scholars, well-versed in the works of each, to compare and contrast the two authors. They might invoke cultural factors, the memes of their respective eras, and their writing styles. Ultimately, though, the scholars would have to get down to some textual analysis, looking at the words on the page. And in so doing, they would draw distinctions by lifting features of the text, comparing and contrasting grammatical choices, word choices, and other basic elements of the prose and poetry on the page. We might very well be able to take parts of the knowledge of those experts and distill it into some kind of a logical procedure or algorithm that would parse the texts and draw distinctions based on the distributions of words and other structural cues. If asked, we might say that a similar method might work for the so-called language of life, DNA, but that it would require a different kind of background knowledge to build the analysis, much less create an algorithm to perform the same task.… Read the rest

Fish eating fish eating fish

Decompressing in NorCal following a vibrant Hadoop World. More press mentions:

· Big Data, Big News: 10 Things To See At Hadoop World, CRN, October 23, 2012 – (Circulation 53,397)

· Quest Software Announces Hadoop-Centric Software Analytics, CloudNewsDaily, October 23, 2012-coverage of Hadoop product announcements.

· Quest Launches New Analytics Software for Hadoop, SiliconANGLE, October 23, 2012- coverage of Hadoop Product.

· Continuing its M&A software push, Dell moves into ‘big data’ analytics via Kitenga buy, 451 Research

· Cisco Updates Schedule to Automate Hadoop Big Data Analysis Systems, Eweek, October 24, 2012- mention of Kitenga product announcement at Hadoop. (Circulation 196,157)

· Quest Launches New Analytics Software for Hadoop, DABBC, October 24, 2012

And what about fish? Dell == Big Fish, Quest == Medium Fish, Kitenga == Happy Minnow.… Read the rest

Dell Acquires Kitenga

Dell Inc. : Quest Software Expands Its Big Data Solution with New Hadoop-Centric Software Capabilities for Business Analytics

10/23/2012| 08:05am US/Eastern

  • Complete solution includes application development, data replication, and data analysis

Hadoop World 2012-Quest Software, Inc. (now part of Dell) announced three significant product releases today aimed at helping customers more quickly adopt Hadoop and exploit their Big Data. When used together, the three products offer a complete solution that addresses the greatest challenge with Hadoop: the shortage of technical and analytical skills needed to gain meaningful business insight from massive volumes of captured data. Quest builds on its long history in data and database management to open the world of Big Data to more than just the data scientist.

News Facts:

  • Kitenga Analytics: Based on the recent acquisition of Kitenga, Quest Software now enables customers to analyze structured, semi-structured and unstructured data stored in Hadoop. Available immediately, Kitenga Analytics delivers sophisticated capabilities, including text search, machine learning, and advanced visualizations, all from an easy-to-use interface that does not require understanding of complex programming or the Hadoop stack itself. With Kitenga Analytics and the Quest Toad®Business Intelligence Suite, an organization has a complete self-service analysis environment that empowers business and systems analysts across a variety of backgrounds and job roles.
More: the rest

Intelligence versus Motivation

Nick Bostrom adds to the dialog on desire, intelligence, and intentionality with his recent paper, The Superintelligent Will: Motivation and Instrumental Rationality in Advanced Artificial Agents. The argument is largely a deconstruction of the general assumption that there is somehow an inexorable linkage between intelligence and moral goodness. Indeed, he even proposes that intelligence and motivation are essentially orthogonal (“The Orthogonality Thesis”) but that there may be a particular subset of possible trajectories towards any goal that are common (self-preservation, etc.) The latter is scoped by his “instrumental convergence thesis” where there might be convergences towards central tenets that look an awful lot like the vagaries of human moral sentiments. But they remain vagaries and should not be taken to mean that advanced artificial agents will act in a predictable manner.… Read the rest

An Exit to a New Beginning

I am thrilled to note that my business partner and I sold our Big Data analytics startup to a large corporation yesterday. I am currently unemployed but start anew doing the same work on Monday.

Thrilled is almost too tame a word. Ecstatic does better describing the mood around here and the excitement we have over having triumphed in Sili Valley. There are many war stories that we’ve been swapping over the last 24 hours, including how we nearly shut down/rebooted at the start of 2012. But now it is over and we have just a bit of cleanup work left to dissolve the existing business structures and a short vacation to attend to.… Read the rest

Evolutionary Art and Architecture

With every great scientific advance there has been a coordinated series of changes in the Zeitgeist. Evolutionary theory has impacted everything from sociology through to literature, but there are some very sophisticated efforts in the arts that deserve more attention.

John Frazer’s Evolutionary Architecture is a great example. Now available as downloadable PDFs since it is out-of-print, Evolutionary Architecture asks the question, without fully answering it (how could it?), about how evolution-like processes can contribute to the design of structures:

And then there is William Latham’s evolutionary art that explores form derived from generative functions dating to 1989:

And the art extends to functional virtual creatures:

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Universal Artificial Social Intelligence

Continuing to develop the idea that social reasoning adds to Hutter’s Universal Artificial Intelligence model, below is his basic layout for agents and environments:

A few definitions: The Agent (p) is a Turing machine that consists of a working tape and an algorithm that can move the tape left or right, read a symbol from the tape, write a symbol to the tape, and transition through a finite number of internal states as held in a table. That is all that is needed to be a Turing machine and Turing machines can compute like our every day notion of a computer. Formally, there are bounds to what they can compute (for instance, whether any given program consisting of the symbols on the tape will stop at some point or will run forever without stopping (this is the so-called “halting problem“). But it suffices to think of the Turing machine as a general-purpose logical machine in that all of its outputs are determined by a sequence of state changes that follow from the sequence of inputs and transformations expressed in the state table. There is no magic here.

Hutter then couples the agent to a representation of the environment, also expressed by a Turing machine (after all, the environment is likely deterministic), and has the output symbols of the agent consumed by the environment (y) which, in turn, outputs the results of the agent’s interaction with it as a series of rewards (r) and environment signals (x), that are consumed by agent once again.

Where this gets interesting is that the agent is trying to maximize the reward signal which implies that the combined predictive model must convert all the history accumulated at one point in time into an optimal predictor.… Read the rest